Old - Jenkins wrote...
Let's hope the best one will win the poll.
And that's a GREAT list, lol. The maker sure must be having a hard time to put and connect them all, thanks.
As I already announced, IN's arc end tomorrow. Today is the last day for their casts article. I hope you guys learn a lot from it. Now, Let's just announce the Banner contest, shall we :
- Banner making contest will be held in every 2 days after one arc ended.
Example : Since IN's arc ended in 12nd January. Therefore, the contest will be held in 14th January (my time)
- The Banner must be .jpg OR .png OR .gif file type
- The Banner's Size must be
Width : Less than 601
Height : Less than 176
- The Banner must has 'Touhou Fan Club' on it. I would suggest you guys who participate in this to be creative on how to put the words right.
- Banner's Theme will be based from current arc.
Example : Subterannean Animism's arc,
The banner must has at least 3 Original Casts from SA.
- There is no prize for the winner. But for the appreciation, we will use your banner as our sig.
- Rin will be the judge
In case you guys have something to add, feel free to contact me.
Subterannean Animism has most of my favorite characters, so I'm definitely going to participate. I'm having a real tough time beating Yuugi right now, though. ><; However, does this have to be done by the 14th then? If so, I gotta jump on that.
Old - Jenkins wrote...
Article#19 : Watatsuki no Yorihime, The Moon Princess Possessed by Divine Spirits
Hehe. Nice Tsundere there. And interesting that they were the only two confirmed married people. Has it ever been mentioned who they were married to?
Old - Jenkins wrote...
Article#20 : Watatsuki no Toyohime, The Moon Princess Connecting Mountain and Sea

綿月 豊姫(ã‚ãŸã¤ãã®ã¨ã‚ˆã²ã‚)
[size=12]Watatsuki no Toyohime [/h]
Neat. Was does it mean by "scientific and fantastic versions of the Moon" though?
Old - Jenkins wrote...
Well, that ends the character session for IN's arc.
Tomorrow is your turn to commence Marisa's Stolen Goods with them (Angel, Room, Giru). Make sure that it will be a success like the previous ones, okay ?
I've got the Kaguya collection ready. I just need to upload them. Should about 2 to 3pm my time tomorrow.
Yama-kun wrote...
Old - Jenkins wrote...
And that's your question answered, Yama.
Prepare your group pic of Youkai Mountain's casts to give you the best result for the banner.
Oh okay... Aya, Momiji and the others banner. Then that's set
Wait...I thought we were doing Subterannean Animism....
Room101 wrote...
So, the RP thread is being worked on.
However, at the present time, my Personal Statement for university takes absolute, "Do-it-at-all-costs" priority, so it being out anywhere this week is rather unlikely.
I do have a title for it, which, with Touhouvania II being out, sounds rather fitting: "The Legend of Scarlet Castle".
It's doesn't (really) have a connection to it, but the I've found the name to be rather catchy. It's also a song title.
Naturally, if someone has any suggestions, I'm all ears.
I like the title, and I'll send you all the info as I get it. :)
Also, for Mello: http://danbooru.donmai.us/pool/show/1987?page=2
And, someone send me this gallery of the Touhou girls looking like they were being confessed to, so I was thinking that we could also pick out a Touhou girl to confess to on Valentine's day, and write up a little blurb, (with the picture), about why we love them so much.
Link to confession pics: http://danbooru.donmai.us/pool/show/1193?page=1