Jyukari wrote...
Just stay right below her and blast her into oblivion, that should be more than enough. There is no need for you to manually avoiding the bullets. Speaking of 120 degree, I think Eirin's is way more threatening. What do you think ?
I'm always below Tewi but obviously staying still doesnt work. Its in those small adjustment like movement that I die from paying too much attention to one side. Eirin's non-spell in Final B I've seen once on normal so no comment there. On easy, its easy once the familiars are disposed of. Medicine in a Pot is still my worst easy-mode spellcard by a large margin.
Speaking of staying still. Did Ranks of the 12 Levels (Miko's 1st spell) on lunatic for fun. Didn't even have to move.
Jyukari wrote...
Boss ? Are you talking about ex-Keine ? Honestly, I cannot remember her specialties and bullet patterns. Is there any with high-speed bullets ? As fast as Reimu's ?
Yes. ex-Keine. Her 1st and 3rd are fairly static slow bullets with static high speed ones on top. I believe they are as fast as Reimu's on normal but Reimu's are random so a set repeatable path will not work like it does with Keine.
Had to try it to get a feel for it. Its not too difficult
if you can end it quickly. Funny thing with that spellcard, I don't look in a specific area like I do with other attacks (Evil Sealing Circle for example), I just try to "feel" the screen just looking for the parts that are moving and avoiding them.
Did the event improve your unfocused abilities?
Jyukari wrote...
Then let's have something that's not between those two. Don't worry, your secret is safe in my locker.
As long as its not EoSD, PCB, or MoF we are good. Haven't beaten those yet. Why do you have a locker of secrets, Jarry Kotter?
What? Don't like the dog bandwagon?