Dr Shaneman wrote...
RoyalElite wrote...
Dr Shaneman wrote...
RoyalElite wrote...
Dr Shaneman wrote...
RoyalElite wrote...
[size=4]Just kidding[/h]
It'd take a lot of alcohol.
Aww, don't think to much about that. Trust me, the moment we kiss one another, you will sure fall in love with me.
My statement still stands.
For realz. No joke. Here a little tip. If you see the one you like, don't be afraid to take the first step's. It certainly will save you alot of time and most of your sanity. Just sayn.
I'm always afraid, I have nothing to offer. No looks or money.
Ehh.... You don't need looks, only a good personality and some money. You have a good personality, check. Now you need a job. If you have one... Then your good to go. Bringing yourself down won't help you in any way possible. There nothing wrong with going up to someone and say "Hello". Talk to them until they say something mean, then leave them be. But if theyre nice and cool, Get to know them. When you guys known each other for about a month, ask her out. Just make sure your committed. It best to act now, because if you dont, before you know it your gonna find yourself hitting 30-40 years old all loney.