SneeakyAsian wrote...
Melfice_1 wrote...
SneeakyAsian wrote...
Melfice_1 wrote...
the thing is, move, Wii and kinect all use the same base principle, just slightly different. the problem is that certain movements are not registered right or are misinterpreted. if you increse the number of cameras for capturing th move-like motion control you can register more exact movements.
as for the glases - You could also use headphone for that, add a sensor into each of the shells so you know where the left and right ear are and work from there
[color=#993300]There is actually a fundamental hardware difference between the 3 systems. Wii uses gyros and accelerometers mainly for their guidance, with a simple laser system on the top for further manipulation. The Kinect uses a template to divide the body into 5 points and tracks them. The Move tracks the ball within a defined space for the system. By using the same principle except with the fingers as individual balls, an effective guidance system can be made
but with 5 balls on every hand, you'd need to keep track of them. you can do hand movements that will obstruct balls partially or completely. there are movements that would switch the order of the balls (like turning your hand upside down). Those movements could be misinterpreted which would lead to ambigious cases.
And if you use unknowns or missing in your alphabet (in this case - set of movements) you're pretty much just asking for trouble
[color=#993300]Well consider this, if each ball is instead used with a unique radio frequency, not only are obstructions ignored, but also each one is highlighted uniquely and therefore are individual particles moving through space. The purpose of the finger units is to manipulate a GUI. If the contacts are compounded atop glasses, processors will therefore have better space perception using 4 sensors instead of 2.
okay, I am with you on the glasses part there. however, radio waves can easily be disturbed. since we are nearing spectrum crunch not many frequencie would b open to that solution.
the gloves or rather the tracker could easily be confused by a pocket radio, posibly cellphones/smartphones and computers as well as other user using the same system.
well, that has been highly stimulating , but its almost 1 am and melly is sleepy.
I'm looking forward to cintinue this tomorrow. (If I am not on Duty)