Tsamari wrote...
echoeagle3 wrote...
Now we got a trap and a science girl that wishes a bunch of guys would rape her. What a colorful cast
[color=#ff69b4]It's the best cast =w=
Hmmm.... Im not sure about that. Sena has become a big fan of eroge, just like me so thats a big plus she could almost be waifu material if she wasn't so weak. I don't know why Yozora doesn't just tell uh... whatever the protags name was, that she is his childhood friend that he for some reason never knew was a girl, I hate it when characters hold back secrets like that. Loli nun is annoying, you can't ever find a trap I approve of, that little sister of the protag is bound to become more annoying. at least the perverted scientist is pretty interesting. But i would hardly call that the best cast