Cinia Pacifica wrote...
yeah, need op ppl to bash heads basically. its still interesting to see. some of saki's op move episodes are still my favorites.
i see, that does sound interesting, and probably ends faster too.
Indeed and how they over-exaggerate the game~ xD
but I indeed love their setting, a world where Mahjong is so famous that every high school have an element of it, but too bad they haven't make a spinoff yet, for Boy's side~
I curious what happens to Koutaro in Saki haha~
yaps, ahh.. In case you don't know about 3 person mahjong~
they eliminate all Wan tiles or in english character tiles( the one with red colour writings on half-lower and numbers(japanese) in upper-half), except for 1 Wan and 9 Wan, therefor the tenpai rate increased a lot, and obtain Honitsu(single set of hand with Honour) is very easy~