jwub4 wrote...
Grenouille88 wrote...
jwub4 wrote...
Grenouille88 wrote...
jwub4 wrote...
The people above me are showing why they are faggots. Ida spel this rong becas i can t be hum cauz guils a gaylord.
Let me get you somtin to spell chek on...dez nutz.
You are a wonderful example of one of the things that are wrong with the world today. Thank you for being you, keep on keepin' on.
Says the guys who has to spell check everyone to feel good about himself. How would you know about the world, you and your fakku bretheren stay on here more than you go outside into the world.
Oh no, don't get me wrong, I don't do that for fun, I do that because words have meaning. I think somebody missed their nap today and is a little cranky. Also, brethren.
That's great you can use google. By the way before you turn into a English teacher, you have a comma splice btw. Three independent sentences need more than a comma too, but I digress.But Mr. Perfect, I'll let a fool keep talking, because I know from all the effort you put into responding, you show me you'ew an idiot for even trying to waste effort to do something you hate. Bye,drag queen.
Nah, I just have a decent vocabulary. Yeah, I have had a tendency to comma splice for years. I obviously haven't stopped. Now now, who ever said I was perfect? You are an entertaining one, know that?. Also, you're.
Oh! I almost forgot, but you're supposed to put a space after periods when starting a new sentence.