jwub4 wrote...
Such a troll. Why are all trying to prove something to me. This is a great conditioned response. You and that other guy like that dog in Pavlov's experiment are just trained to troll and say the same bs over and over again. You stick to a formula. You find a
misspelled word and you explain how I misread or said something wrong.You really are cynical, aren't ya?
*I fixed a spelling mistake and made it bold to "stick to convention" so you're not completely clueless.*
Trained to troll? It's funny you should say that because it doesn't take training to troll people. An average troll states something to provoke people, usually saying something against a certain group of people or belief, and stays consistent throughout a discussion or argument (they're not the same, so I will not use "/"). A good troll makes a very believable opinion and plays off it using wit and logic against the other group in a discussion or argument.
Conditioned response? Maybe in some way, but I would have this response anyways because that's part of my personality, not because I picked up on it from others.