mibuchiha wrote...
rokushou wrote...
mibuchiha wrote...
I see a roku, my long lost reader.
wow, i don't expect you to miss me so much, aniki..
btw, update your story!!
I'm getting impatient here!
nononono, I'm just blocked. :P
you're saying you've read c25? whoa.
I even have +repped you for that.. =_____=
StarInfinity wrote...
Heyo Uncle Mibu~
rokushou wrote...
StarInfinity wrote...
since when did you start calling me so casually like that?
skip that "-san"! lol
we were the same fakkuteers, remember?
Since just now maybe~
Uuuu~ But just calling you "Roku" just doesn't seem right to me~
"roku" wa ii., adding some honorifics would sounds weird to me.,