Zeph=3 wrote...
Thank you! ^______^ Man I ought to send you an award for being so awesome. XD
Aw man, I wrote it down in a notebook somewhere, but oh well! I'll just try to re-summarize it! XD
Well, my earliest memory was a bit odd. I actually didn't know that it was an actual memory of me when I was little, because I dreamt of it. But it was like 2 years ago, where I dreamt of something of my past, my earliest past, to be specific.
It was when I was 4 years old. I was running around, and because I knew that someone was behind me, I kept running. I liked the wind flowing in my short hair, and my dress, sort of flapping behind me, and basically the whole dream. In dreams, you know how you get that feeling that you are in some type of really weird place, but it somehow feels real, and like home? Well yes, it felt that way to me. So I kept running and running, while giggling at the fact that running felt that good. And just for fun, I stopped once to turn around and check who was behind me, and saw a flash. Someone had taken a picture of me. I don't know who(of course it was a relative), because I forgot, but they took a picture of me, and then proceeded to hide the camera in a silly way behind their back, and denied that they had taken the picture. It was a happy moment I guess. I was still laughing, and then I woke up.
A year after that dream, while I'm packing up and getting ready to move to New Jersey, my sister brings out our old scrapbooks and stuff. So I look through them, and what do I find? A picture of me at age 4, in that same dress I saw myself in, in my dream, and my eyes were wide open, like someone took it by surprise. I was even in the same pose that I last looked like, in my dream. Kind of funny, isn't it? ^_^
Wow, that is the most awesome memory ever!
Your lucky