Hentanize wrote...
Herodotus wrote...
None the less, I stand by my claim that this rule would be interesting but I also realize that a lot, and you, of people would get really "butthurt" and not play because of it so I know it won't be added.
It's not even a question of being butthurt or not. What's the point if the regulars of this game can't even claim the girls they want anymore? That rule just goes against the reason the game exists in the first place.
You want some sugar for your high horse? This game isn't for "regulars", it's for everyone. You're probably going to argue that "buhu but it has a post limit, you need x amount of posts before you can play", and? It's like what, 50 right now? 100? A drop in the ocean, you could get that in about half a day without spamming and 2 hours if you really wanted to.
Don't tell me you guys wouldn't get angsty because some "new member" got your "beloved waifu", a lot of you people care far too much about this game for you not to be labeled as obsessed.