Gallowloch wrote...
luinthoron wrote...
TehMikuruSlave wrote...
Change Two:Faithfulness bullshit
Me on Skype wrote...
[11:10:46 PM] Master: It actually limits the amount of waifus now if you've been playing longer
[11:10:57 PM] Master: If you've been with a waifu so long you should be faithful
[11:11:07 PM] Master: limit 2 waifus if you've played in more than 2 games
This is a bit silly, to be honest. If faithfulness is what you want, you should go for mandatory reclaims or no divorces instead of limiting the number. I've been perfectly faithful to all my girls for more games than I care to remember, never letting go of any of them even with the current higher number of allowed waifu.
Not everyone keeps their waifu(s), so I can agree with the no divorce thing you suggest. However, not everyone wants to keep their waifu(s) like you have and I can see where the number restriction comes in regarding such players.
It is a game, so I support the change since it gives a challenge to the users who participate. I can also see it being more fair as well making people decide who they truly want.
I can see your point. I was just pointing out how his change does not quite fit its descriptor of "faithfulness".
Well, in the end, I don't see why long-time players should be penalized at all, but we'll see how this will turn out. TMS said there would be other changes coming as well, so there might still be something to balance this out.