Drifter995 wrote...
guammastermind671 wrote...
That reminds me, I need to get my new graphic card soon, my R9 Toxic came DOA...FML
Send it back, and get warranty? Unless that's what you mean.
I'm still not sure if I should chuck my second set of ram in the pc...
Tempted to mod skyrim, but also not sure
Nah I mean send it back get my money back and probably go for a 780. I recently seen how it performed under huge stress loads with a heavily modded skyrim. And it did perfectly!
Drifter995 wrote...
I'm still not sure if I should chuck my second set of ram in the pc...
depends on what game you play. Like for me when i run Skyrim with no graphic mods, 8Gb is enough, but if you run it with a a lot of realistic graphic mods, 12GB does the job but then again, I was using a
HIS IceQ 5670 HD at the time, so can't say much now, except that when I was running skyrim on the 780, it had at least 16Gb of RAM in the rig.