Callonia wrote...
Drifter995 wrote...
Callonia wrote...
Drifter995 wrote...
Callonia wrote...
Drifter995 wrote...
guammastermind671 wrote...
That reminds me, I need to get my new graphic card soon, my R9 Toxic came DOA...FML
Send it back, and get warranty? Unless that's what you mean.
I'm still not sure if I should chuck my second set of ram in the pc...
Tempted to mod skyrim, but also not sure
You haven't modded your skyrim yet?
Go do eet already.
Do it.
I'm still not sure which ones to go for... Might just wing it... Although I don't want to fuck up my files... Might just copy the files elsewhere, and if it fucks up, replace them with the originals or something. Unlike when I modded the shit out of the cars in san andreas, I haven't touched this, and have no idea how it works :s
That's right, backups is important unless you feel like reinstalling the whole thing and losing ur characters xD
And modding is really easy, if you aren't making anything, all you have to do is copy pasta files into right places and FOLLOW DIRECTIONS.
Ah, fair call. None of this changing variables bullshit?/ changing certain files to text documents and changing variables, then changing back, etc?