WideEyedMan wrote...
You know I actually made a thread in IB about Anima(Tor)'s Exhibition but deleted it immediately afterwards because it feels like the only thing people would talk about is tits and ass(being IB), and I love you guys but I really wanted something meaningful to come out of this.
Sadly this causes an oversight of how this is absolutely a tits and ass animation but it also carries a story of how a man has forcibly suppressed reality after losing the woman he loved. He replaced memories with her using fantasies that are excessively sexualized and are OBSESSED with him. But his mind could never fully erase her loss and the pain associated thus his fantasies distorted into deranged nymphomaniacs driven by the need to love him by consuming him. Fearing for his sanity and seeking closure to this ordeal he set out to protect his memory of her using a suit and the admiration of the "unstoppable killing machine" in video games. However the distortion was too strong having erased the memory of his beloved and deep down he could never forgive himself, so in the end he's left to sit there tortured by his delusions. I haven't even gone into the theme and message conveyed by this story, all I've done is literally interpreted it but I will say this: I think it's a beautiful, powerful and controversial message just what (Tor) has so deeply wished to show it's audience-so it kind of saddens me to see people ONLY refer to it as tits(especially when some of the tits and ass is essential to the message).
So Sneaks I hope that answers your question, despite being rhetorical. I really just want people to give thought to this.
I don't want too think to hard about it, I just like the art style and the music, I could care less if it had tits and ass,its a cool video.