devsonfire wrote...
neyapuckachinha wrote...
Waar wrote...
neyapuckachinha wrote...
Waar wrote...
Shotty Too Hotty wrote...
Basically yeah. Same type of place just different people. Makes me wonder why the two places are still separated…
They like two cogs fitting into each other.
You have no idea what you're talking about.
CTFG is a passive aggressive woman and IB is a confrontational straight forward man.
You misogynistic fuck.
Silly Neya.
You're saying that like what I said was an attack on women, being overly straight forward can lead to as many problems as being passive aggressive and often leads to more break up than the former. If anything you're being overly sensitive right now, something women are often guilty of; now I'm being a misogynist.
Silly Waar.
I was being a straightforward confrontational woman, calling you on your bullshit.
I am not saying it's better or worse, a bit of both is probably the best, I'm just saying you 'genderized' these characteristics. You've also implied that being a straighforward man is better, since we all know your preference goes to IB.
Sorry for butting in, but with the gender part aside, you don't prefer someone straighforward and would rather have someone being passive aggresive? Is that the point you're trying to make? Also, with preference part, he likes IB more because IB is more 'to the point', and I don't see anything wrong with that? It's not like he said IB is more straightforward BECAUSE he likes IB.
Just my two cents.
It's not about my preference, I honestly don't mind passive aggressive, but I called him out on the misogynistic part of his statement. He characterized women as passive aggressive, men as straightforward, implying men were better than women because he liked, if you follow the analogy, IB better. If you replace IB by man, and CTFG by woman, can you see the demeaning behavior? Though it started more as a teasing to Waar, I'm glad you butted in if it means what I said was unclear.
On topic, I can't stand CTFG, but I also hate it when IB turns into people's personal blog where they complain like bitches or tell us stuff we really couldn't care less about.
However, I do I like the fact that IB is diverse, not everything has to be to my tastes, and there's plenty to please me and other people. My only problem with CTFG is that there is no diversity to speak of, it's the same people, talking more or less of the same things in different threads, and clans forming, fighting and disbanding.