When I was a kid and I first started using the internet, my parents told me not to use my real name, or I would end up raped. I had recently read The Devine Comedy, and I liked the name Dante, so I used it, and it stuck, to the degree that half the people I know use it instead of my real name, and half of those people don't even know my real name. Someone here had already taken the name Dante, so I added 1214, the month and day of my birthday (Dec 14), because it was the first thing that came to mind.
Some people I know call me...Pacey, because when I met this particular group of people, they were hammered drunk, and apartently with hat hair and no glasses, I look like the dude from Dawson's Creek, and that new show that isn't as terrible, but for some reason tells me how long the comercial breaks are going to be.
Third most common nickname (and what I think is the coolest), is Grave. A, because I thought it was some cold shit to call myself for the sake of video game tourniments, and B, because in person, when I first meet people, I'm not nearly this talkative, hince, quiet as the grave. I really don't like talking to uninteresting people, or even really just people I don't know. So I don't.
me and my friends way back in middle school joked about 69 and i came up with this years later when thinking about a tattoo... they wrote the number on upside down and it read 69... like it -was read 69-
Ok, that last part was a joke.
GourmetPrince is a seriously sexy name that just stands out. But you wouldn't trust a GourmetPrince with your children for a number of reasons.
I would have gone by Shin-Mega or Ero-Cyan, but I thought:
-Ero is too obvious.
-Cyan isn't my kind of color.
-Mega just doesn't sound right with Shin
So I went with the next best thing other than Mega. Zero.
I don't know where I got Shin, but people on the Internet abbreviate me to it because I go by differing names that begin with Shin. It's sort of My mark on the world.