Okay, if you had to pick, out of all the hentai that you've ever read, (this includes series, however long they are, one-shots, doujinshi, and anything else that qualifies as 'hentai'), just ONE work to be animated, which work would you choose, and why?
(Yes, a work could be a full series. "Why" could be as simple as "this character is hot", or "it's funny as hell")
For me:
Power Play (Yamatogawa)
Because Sara is extremely hot. Like 'burn yourself because of friction while fapping' hot.
there was once a time that I would have said swing out sisters... but it was animated so I'm pretty happy. since my hentai wish was granted I hope someone else's would be.
Power Play
Ring x mama
Viva Freedom (The lul potential is pretty high)
Keep it a secret
Animal Ear Grand Strategy
An Island Only for us (Just a one shot but I would LOVE to see this animated)