Harontiar wrote...
Baalshazar wrote...
Evidence of yandere (in anime) having a successful child, no lie look in the hair. I totally believe it can happen. Panty shot 'cause I missed it and yandere wake up call.
Do you know its sauce?
Baalshazar wrote...
Evil genius, wahahahaha! But basically I like watching the mind shatter why wouldn't I want to try to do it, admittedly I would not break the law. But just watching it and having the power to do it for good or selfishness, test! Changing the body is pretty easy, just get a person used to it and they'll slowly change or mention it every so often to get them to think about it, you know I like to call it adapting, (in theory of what I plan, probably won't as simple as getting the subject use to playing a game).
I'd love to see the after effect of a yandere with a kid.
Remember how I said I like CK2, well it's dynasty based, so you'll play as your kid when you die. Just thinking of having a gene pool of like crazy people, would be fun. Which is why I would have hoped yandere could be inherited, although I know it can't be.
"For he that does good, having the unlimited power to do evil, deserves praise not only for the good which he performs, but for the evil which he forbears." - Walter Scott I like to go by this, if it makes sense. Basically it may not be good, but it certainly wouldn't be evil. Also it nurses a bit of the sadistic vibe.
Hire psychiatrists = PROFIT
Foreground Eclipse wrote...
Quick idea for a yandere manga; it's a bit of a murder-mystery/detective/psychological/etc. theme.
A man has a nine year old daughter (age can be different but preferably around there). His wife died mysteriously last year (can also be different depending on age).
One day, he gets a phone call from a person regarding information about his wife's death. The next day, the informant is found dead. Freshly reminded of his emotional wound, the father decides to delve deeper into the mystery of his wife's death.
What do you guys think? If I can get more material and it ends up to be any good, I might make a thread in the Writing section in a LN style.
Interesting. I would like to see it. +2
And guess what, guys. The yandere tag has been revived in g.e-hentai.org.
Well first question, I don't really remember, I do remember two sisters, both yandere, I think.
Second statement, Psychiatrist, for me? o.O Never really needed one. I mean, I can go about life like any regular person. Also not really planning on making people miserable either. I think i'm good.
Note, I mostly talk about the fictional stuff. When I talk about not good, do I mean violent or killing? Do I mean completely ruining a subject. Bad assumption there. It may be bad, but you can enjoy bad as well, correct? Bad is dictated by opinion and assumption. People say drugs are bad, but they also help for example, the key thing is defining drugs. Bad how do you define bad? I don't define the bad I'm thinking about as harmful, but just taboo.
Generally the people in this thread like a pyschotic person, that is bad correct? They will kill people. My bad is something completely different, from whatever bad you are thinking of.
g/598230/005eaa9810/ Yandere plus I'm thinking a pun on screwed mixed with it.