Cinia Pacifica wrote...
Nah, Prinz is in E2. I'm stuck in E3 atm, not even last dance it's just an annoying map. Though I think I'll be stuck in last dance for a good while later.
ahh, now you mention it, I haven't done any farming so kind of don't know which node drop which ships~
but then again, E-3 have an interesting CV~ *nod nod*
ask advice to others~
dun ask to me yet, I haven't clear em~
ehehe, now you could say that I can rank up in that game fast~ :p
Sanada-Kun wrote...
E3 in general is quite a bitch, even with historical setup I'm still struggling to reach boss. And I wasted 20-30k fuel just to reach last dance with 2 clean kills and rests were poking damages.
Tempted to drop it to easy if I can't beat it on last 2 days.
actually it's quite easy, but annoying haha~
I mean installation type boss but they require us to bring ap shell too to clear the damn imp.., da heck....