Minakami Ryuu wrote...
Sanada-Kun wrote...
--Rise. Use your land bomber planes then. In E3 use it on BBhime node and then boss node , or go all-out on boss.
If you only have 2-3 land bomber, put 2 on 2nd base. Fill 1st base with normal carrier planes.
--Ryuu. Pattern? Well I place green plane on top slot and bomber at bottom slot base. Other than that, there's nothing else.
ya, I mean which planes hit first, the 1st land base 1st, the 2nd landbase 1st, or is it completely random~
cuz if 1st landbase hit first, probably could equip all fighters on it, then full bomber or 3 bomber and 1 fighter in the second one~
1st base hit first as usual, but the damage/hit-or-miss is RNG as usual, just like support expedition. But it's much better than nothing.
Don't equip all fighters since it will give 0 damage, always 2 bomber 2 fighter, I never tried 3 bomber 1 fighter but maybe in easy difficulty it could work.