So I'm brand new.... O_O

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Just how do we decide someone isn't new anymore?
Is it by the post count? 50 and up maybe?

Hmm, I say, if you got more than 50 post means you're on your way to become regular eh?
I guess, but really it depends on how active the user is.
Well... all in all... EX_Soldier is definitely has become a regular yea?
More than seventy posts in six days is more than the typical forum goer.
What can I say, I love forums and I love this site.
Or... you have nothing else to do ?
SymbioticYuriGuy wrote...
Or... you have nothing else to do ?

Don't be a dick about it but yes. I'm not working right now. But what do you care.
lol I don't really care, since I'm on holiday and have nothing better to do.. -_-;
Isn't an active poster a good thing?
In theory, I suppose. Then again, it's only good for the forum, and the entertainment of others who read the posts on said forum; and there are no real advnatges of being an active poster, unless you consider the deterioration of your 'non-online' social life an advantage ? lol..

.. Guh I must be bored.
Well...I don't have any friends, I just have a girlfriend. So I spend all of my alone time on here and Gamefaqs. Then I work on my house and I work at a restaraunt.
You don't game or anything ? Or watch anime ? o.0
Atm I'm taking a break from games, all I have right now is my DS and I play FF3 here and there. But I'm saving up for a PS3 and FF13, plus a Wii and Brawl, so I sold all my systems and games to relieve some of that high price. I watch anime all the time, but I watch adult swim and It's not on right now. Other than that. You're right, I have nothing better to do but speak my mind here. If I didn't my companion would make me go insane. (Take that however you please, I don't really feel like explaining it.)
I take it she's constantly begging for anal sex, but you feel that it is a dirty thing and refuse to do it with her ? ; o

I game on my computer a bit, I play MMoPRGs and RPGs, mostly, but I don't stick to anything specific, like FF games lol.

Why watch adult swim ? o.0 You get much more variation on Veoh..
No, we already had anal. Neither of us liked it so we don't talk about it. Other wise she's a virgin. So I'm still waiting...I think about 40 more days. :cry: Final Fantasy games are my favorites. But I pulled out my N64 a little bit ago and started a OoT game, but I lost interest after the shadow temple. My pills make playing games really hard. I can't sit still for very long unless it's for something like forums. did I fail to mention I'm on probation? I can't party anymore.
So you are a twitchy criminal who anally raped a virgin and you are addicted to pills ? : (

>: O I've gotta get outta here !!
Fuck you. I'm a little confused. And I'm scared. She's my girlfriend. And I take my pills because I have to. I'm not a criminal I just smoke weed. But what ever, you can go fuck yourself.
I'm telling you I HAVE tried that before. Several times. It NEVER works, no matter what equipment you use, it just doesn't bend that way...
You're a prick you know that. I'm done with you.
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