So I'm brand new.... O_O

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XD at least you are laughing now, I am guessing you took your meds, then ?
O.o - 0.O <-- Those your eyes ? Can you even read this ? How much and of what did you take ? o.o
My pills arn't like that. They're just anti-psycotics. But they do make me really happy. Manic almost.
Wow, so if I hugged you and asked you to suck my dick you would oblige? Or would you politely refuse?
I would politely rock your shit. Lol
O rly ? You think you are that good? I'd probably not even get hard... Maybe if I kick you around while you are desperately suckling at it, I might enjot it a bit...
Rock your shit = Knock you the fuck out.
Is that what it means? Sorry, I'm not good with American terminology, if that's what it is..

So you would kill me for that? Or force yourself on me?
Nahh, thats my own terminology. Do you think all americans are rapists or something. Lol. This is absurd. I would do neither just punch you in your little nuts and run.
You would strike my resealable plastic bag containing a mixture of almonds, hazelnuts and pecans and then run from me? =.O'

Wait.. you said that was your own terminology.. are you trying to say that you are a rapist?
What?! Again, you leave me with great confusion. Rock your shit means to punch you in the jaw. This normally causes someone to get knocked out. You just love fucking with me don't you.
Not really, I just enjoy fucking with people's minds.

Not just your's. There is nothing special about you that would make me want to fuck only with your mind =.=

Don't get so conceited, now. ; D

I don't think hitting the jaw would cause someone to be knocked out. If you hit their skull hard enough, maybe.. or if you just shoved your dick up their ass REALLY fast.. You might tear your skin, though : o
Actually, It does. Your jaw is most peoples weak point. Unless you have a strong neck then a good solid punch will cause your head to spin just the right way and knock you out.
I have a strong neck -.- So, fuck you.
EX_Soldier wrote...
Actually, It does. Your jaw is most peoples weak point. Unless you have a strong neck then a good solid punch will cause your head to spin just the right way and knock you out.

I thought there was a cluster of nerves right there that did the trick, not the torque on your neck.
It can be both, when your neck is twisted like that it can make your brain shift. Which causes blackouts, and it can seperate the vertabre and cause a blackout. Thats what I've learned.
That would be called death, from a broken neck. And you either need incredible luck or an incredibly strong punch for that effect.
Yes, but you can also seperate the vertebre without breaking the neck. Say, by punching someone dead on in the chin like a boxer.
Separated vertebrae is a broken neck. But enough of that. To you I give a belated welcome.
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