Rizaak wrote...
I know this'll sound weird but i think the devastation would be greater if nothing at all happened on 2012. Reason being is humans need a sense of control and knowing when faced with a new millennium people feared the end of the world on such a big event and 2012 is an ancient prophecy but as far as i know there's none after that if there's no big threat or global disaster looking down the barrel at us i feel that people will go crazy with out some disaster to look forward to.
Isaac Newton used the Bible Code to predict the world will end in 2060. The Christians have theories about the world ending in 2011 on May 21, 2016, 2034, and 2047 on Sep 14. According to the Talmud, this world would only exist for 6000 years which means the end should come around 2240, the year 6000 in the Hebrew calendar. There are countless predictions about the end of the world that occur after 2012. A lot of the New Age and pseudoscientific beliefs about how its going to happen don't have a specific date attached to them. There's always going to be another prediction until someone gets it right.