Sorry if thread resurrection isn't allowed (I don't remember reading anything about it though), but I bought a refurbished 30GB Zen Vision:M last year for something between $150-200 and have no regrets other than wishing I had the extra $100 for the 60GB version. Movies, pictures, music, radio, voice recording, and you can set a custom wallpaper (sadly no custom themes, just 6 default ones), clock with alarm, as well as an organizer function for contacts, a calendar and an option to use it as an external HDD. 320x240 resolution screen, the ability to zoom in to view the full size of pictures larger than 320x240 as well as rotate them, slideshow support. For videos there's options to: Fit to screen, Stretch to full, Zoom to full, and Original size.
I do wish that there were more options when viewing pictures, a more customizable zoom for instance instead of just viewing it at it's full resolution, and a smoother scroll and not just a specified number of pixels. It also only supports .jpg (and maybe .tiff but I'm not sure because I never use that format) if I remember correctly, which is unfortunate, but not that much of a detriment. As for video formats... I forget exactly, but I
think .avi, .mpg and .wmv are all supported.
FM radio is nice if there's a station worth listening to where you live, voice recording is handy when you need it, but the mic is extremely sensitive, so you can get a lot of background noise you might not want.
If you have sensitive or private videos and pictures you don't want your friends and family to see you can set the folders they're contained in as protected and hide them from the Player Settings and the only way to bring them back is to input a 4 digit code you set yourself, perfect for hiding your mobile hentai haha.
Being made by Creative it has a customizable five band equalizer (80, 250, 1k, 4k and 13k Hz), and eight preset EQ settings, but it does sadly lack a Techno setting... There is also a smart volume option to keep all the songs at an even volume so you aren't constantly adjusting the volume as well as a bass boost and an option to restrict the volume to a certain number so you don't accidently turn it up all the way and deafen yourself (the volume is controlled by the touch pad and ranges from 0-25, no idea what the decibel range for it is).
It's very easy to see the screen even with the backlight's brightness set to 10%-20% (I keep it at 20% myself), and a screen protector on it. Beautiful colors, etc. Multiple play modes (regular, shuffle, repeat, track once, shuffle repeat), and the battery generally lasts about 10 straight hours, but like all electronics depending on the volume, EQ settings, brightness, and other things it will last longer or less time.
The only other player I'm interested in is the
Slacker G2 because I'm in love with the online Slacker player. Sadly it doesn't support video and pictures though and only has 4 or 8 GB for your own music.
*Takes a deep breath*