ImperialX wrote...
IEAIAIO wrote...
I can remember my last no porn stretch. It was for like a year and a half and I was so desperate to have some that when my school finally got an internet connection I looked up bible black and jerked off in my pants. I'm not proud of it, I'm just saying that's how out of control my sex-drive had gotten. I can see rape going way up in china's future.
Nah, Rape isn't much of a problem in China.
Under a dictatorship, you don't have to worry much about order. Death Penalty for rape is nothing unusual for China. That really discourages people doing so.
Heh, and they wonder why it is so hard for the United States to find common ground with China even though both sides (well arguably, the U.S. more than China) are working so hard on finding some type of diplomatic even-ground. Sure would be one less thorn in the side of the United States if there was some type of official alliance with China.
I just don't understand the point. I guess it makes sense for the United States because the government probably thinks they could use that as some kind of leverage to keep the Chinese government in check, although I bet anything they will be sorely mistaken; and truth be told China is probably thinking of it from a similar angle. ... so much deception. -_-