Waar wrote...
Tsurayu wrote...
I totally shed some manly tears at the end of Legend of the Galactic Heroes. Unlike some of you, I'm not afraid to admit that I'm pretty emotional. I usually get a good cry a week or so from a good anime. XD
everyone here has posted about something emotional, why can't you just leave it at that? We're not robots simply because we don't break down every time we see a baby or bag floating in the wind.
I would cry from laughing too hard if I saw a
baby floating in the wind. >__>
In all seriousness though, no harm meant in that post methinks.
I just remembered now, I cried about my PS2 and all the games I had (probably 30 soemthing) not to mention FIVE games I borrowed from friends.
I was in 6th grade. Games were my life, and my life was just stolen from me.
Of course I wasnt bawling but I definitely shed a tear or two.