vietxmikey wrote...
So, I see... This is the world of YJA. I'm glad I switched to Google Chrome, everything gets translated to English for me. :D YJA seems interesting... I'm curious, how come some covers are so cheap? Like this one for instance,
And oh my god... 30k for this.
If I had the money and my SMJ account was up and running, I would of gotten this within a heartbeat! But I'm a bit curious now, it is 30k buyout as well, why haven't anyone gotten it? Too expensive for what it really is? Or people just aren't into Asagi? D:
Yeah, whenever someone first gets into the hobby, one of my main tips is "use Chrome." It makes things a lot easier.
So for the first auction, it's likely because it was a preorder bonus or other such thing, and isn't really a full scale cover. I'm not 100% sure on that, but I just translated the description and literally skimmed it for about 10 seconds. It seems legit, but one thing you do need to worry about on YJA is bootlegs, which is another reason the price could be so low for covers.
And the reason that cover hasn't been purchased yet, in my opinion, is because 30k is an absolutely horrendous price for that cover. People that really wanted it had a ton of chances at it: the initial webshop (Lilith, I think?) order, and two shots through AmiAmi (where even foreigners could have ordered it.) And this was recent, too - it was available on AmiAmi as late as February. So anyone who really wanted it paid ~13k for it and not some ridiculous 30k.
In comparison, very few covers sell for 30k+. Usually it's limited to event exclusives/other exclusive things, older covers, and really popular characters/circles. The thing all of those have in common? Low supply/high demand (at least in comparison to supply.)
Edit: Evening Call's Dark Magician Girl and Nodoka are up, but it appears they're mostly an event exclusive. Luckily Evening Call is awesome, so they are giving a 4 day window you can preorder in. Just a head's up to anyone who was considering either; you don't have long to decide.