willowywicca, that HOP cover you linked to looks so cute! With a deadline of August 29 I think I'll make her my August order. She's irresistible. Thanks for posting, didn't see her on the blog. :D
By the way, I notice the page says something about 30 orders. With Google Translate it states "you". I assume they mean 30 orders total, i.e. not just 30 for one person. Am I right or does it really mean you need 30 personally? lol
Feel like it's a stupid question, but gotta ask. :P
ZengarZanvolt wrote...
alamarco wrote...
It's so hard to hold back though. I think Shashin put it best, I keep buying stuff on pre-order because you don't need to pay right away and then it comes back and haunts you.
I really need to hold back and started to slowly. I still have my impulse buys, but I'm slowly pre-ording less and less. It's hard to control and I liken it to an addiction. Almost feel like I'd need to quit cold turkey because this slowing process isn't really that effective. :P
That is why I tend to pay off everything I've ordered right from the start so I know where my limits are.
Yeah, I keep everything in Excel so I see that I'm spending each month, but doesn't really help me. Only helps me from not ever spending and going into debt. :P