solutions10 wrote...
Not to sound like a broken record here, but if you haven't ordered that cover yet, I'd highly recommend you'd look for a legit version of it. That cover was done by one of my absolute favorite artists (Paint Musume) and she has absolutely beautiful artwork; one of the very first covers I purchased was done by her. The sample you posted looks really dull in comparison to the sample image the circle has posted on their site. You can find that here:
If it's a cover you think you'll like more than others, it's definitely one I'd highly recommend trying a legit 2WT/2WR out with.
Paint Musume is someone I definitely have to start following, then. The way she draws the anatomy is just beautiful, as well as the clothing and accessories. All of it is wonderful. I checked out the link (thank you for the insight), and I'll definitely take note of it when I decide how I want to approach this.
It's so rare to find an artist who seems to get everything *perfect* on a personal level. I sift through so many, and it's frustrating when the artist *almost* gets it perfect. But then that one thing they do in their style that irks me starts to come out more and more...whoever designed that really hit a nerve. I'm going to see if I can do some more research on the artist, as well as find out as much about the growing list of materials possible. Thanks again for the great info.
Here's some links for you: (need account if you don't already have one)
It's worth noting that since it's censored in the link I provided, the anatomy on the link you provided could be a good bit different from what the bootlegger has; she's can be pretty explicit at times. That isn't necessarily the case, but I can't say since I don't own that particular cover of hers (as beautiful as the art is, I'm not a fan of short hair.) I think Zengar owns it though, so if he does I'm sure he'd be willing to provide pictures (if he hasn't already done so in this th read.)
Yeah, like I said man, bootlegs can compare to the legit products, but it's usually in the details. Without looking too hard, this can be seen if you compare the legit/bootleg of the cover you like; the bootlegs colors are very dull and the little accessories and such are lacking much detail at all (the potion bottles and feather on the legit have a very unique shine to them.) In the end, it's up to you if you're willing to spend that much on a cover, but I'm obviously of the opinion that if I'm going to drop $80+ I'd want the best product available.
Materials are very complicated. In general, these are the basics:
2-way tricot (2WT) - This is generally considered to be the best material, regardless of manufacturer. Very smooth, generally great color/print, stretches a good bit.
2-way roika (2WR) - Often almost exactly the same as 2WT, but can have some variations depending on the manufacturer.
Smooth Knit - Usually only smooth going in one direction, this material is pretty similar to 2WT/2WR in other respects, but pretty much considered a downgrade.
Peach Skin - Used (almost) exclusively by bootleggers. This is obviously the material you're most familiar with, so I won't go too far into the details on it. In my experience, the print/color quality on 2WT is much better. This is a material that a lot of people seem to be fine with, but I personally don't care for it much.
Then there are some different ones that you'll run into less often:
SK Suede - This is only made by the manufacturer P80. It shares many traits with peach skin (it's designed to be a budget material), but has excellent color/print at the cost of a little softness.
Polyester Twill/etc - I'm not familiar at all with these materials to be honest, but you'll see a lot of companies (Cospa) offer this as the low priced material option.
The other bootlegger materials - Rayon, Velvet, etc..
Then come the manufacturers: 2WT is generally pretty similar between manufacturers but they do have some differences so you could rate them differently. If I were to do a list based on my personal material preferences it would probably go like this:
P80 2WR
Seiren Pearl Roika
(P80 2WT is my favorite material in terms of comfort, but it has fairly poor image quality, so I'm not ranking it... regardless, it would probably be in the top 3.)
Other 2WT
Smooth Knit
SK Suede/Peach skin
I think most people usually rate A&J's 2WT as the best, but I could be wrong there.