f0dd3r wrote...
from th poster, it looks like its going to be something that you wait for, after netflix discounts the dvd.
i hope to god the director isnt one of the artsy-fartsy types who wants to remake it shot for shot after the anime.
...goku stares.... picolo stares.... 10 minutes later, goku growls.... picolo's eyes widen....10 minites later.....
Goku is going to be in high school. Goku is not in his gi in the picture. I don't think the director is going to remake the anime shot for shot. Krillin might not even be in it. And James Wong has the sense not to draw out the fight scenes. The movie has a 100 billion dollar budget, I think some amount of effort took place. And the picture of Goku isn't bad at all. Justin Chatwin looked dumb and goofy. And Goku is dumb and goofy. James Marsters is a huge Dragonball fan. He cares. Piccolo was originally designed to look ugly as hell, but the producers felt he should look more pretty. So after 17 hours of make-up, James Marsters said he'd rather have it the old way. And since the producers were away, James put up with four and a half more hours of makeup to revert it to the original look. Emmy Rossum sang high in the Phantom of the Opera, and she's Bulma. So I guess that's a plus. The budget, if nothing else, should reduce tons of cheesiness. And Chi-Chi is a model. A another so-so plus. So I have somewhat good expectations.