g-money wrote...
I don't know about you, but from where I come from in the states, (New Jersey) religion takes a backseat in relationships. I didn't believe it would be the same for the South because I thought those were rednecks down there. As far as I'm concerned, kids aren't concerned or interested in religion, and to me, that just sounds like an excuse to shoot down a person. (Then again, I can be wrong.)
This particular city is rather religious. The older people more so than the younger. Marilyn Manson attempted to buy a house out here once and the local religious groups fought against the purchase of the house. We also have a huge teen pregnancy rate because the people around here are too stupid to buy a condom at any of the grocery stores, gas stations or even Walmart.
Though while a lot of the girls around here will freak the fuck out if you say you are any religion other than christian. Some are rather understanding. All of my friends are christian. Hell, one is a Jehovah witness. My first impressions in any area where I am not face to face is piss poor and that is where I need to fix.