Pog wrote...
I don't see a big problem with this. Marvel was a fairly small organization making a modest amount of income. With Disney at the head, they get much better funding and marketing. As long as the staff doesn't get completely reworked, things will work out.
You guys are acting like all of the sudden the writers of Spiderman will get replaced with the people who did Snow White or something.
This is wrong on two points:
1) Marvel makes tons of money, from comics, toys, clothing, collectables, tv shows, videogames, and movies. They just established their own movie company.
2) Disney, as the new owners, will get a final say in what happens too marvel characters. For example, in spider-man ultimate the issuse of sex arose with peter and MJ while they were teens - the head guys at marvel first said no go with the story but eventually gave it the go ahead. Disney may not be inclined to do the same since their reason to buy Marvel is to have a product appealing to young boys instead of young geeky adults like Marvel did.