How can anyone see this as a good thing?
The golden rule of Disney is anything they produce is instantly labeled dumbed down crap. They twisted so many fairy tales around so they would have corny happy endings, which ruined the moral point of those stories for whole generations.
However if Disney does not touch marvel in any way shape or form then there is hope for the future since it seems the stuff they just fund comes out preety damn good.
I bet they're gonna start pumping the Hulk full of horse sedatives, send him to anger management classes, and make him do mood adjustment exercises to control himself. Not to mention, they'll have his ass flanked by clean up crews and security personal, so when he gets mad people won't get hurt by debris from things Hulk smashes.
You know whats gonna be freakin funny.
Imagine they put the Jonas Brothers and Miley Cyrus in kingdom Hearts.
For the Miley Cyrus world you have to save her and let her keep her best of both worlds and as for the Jonas Brothers, you have to Fight off heartless who wants to destroy them because the heartless hates them. They're heartless man.
I work for Disney and can tell you the number one question we get: "Do you have [Marvel character] toys?" or for the people who think they know what they are talking about "Where is your [Marvel character] stuff?"..........second is Spongebob and third is Dora, though Dora is quickly being replaced by Transformers.
Also, Disney just wants more things for the boys. First thing for kids that comes to mind with Disney is the princesses (especially those with parents that aren't Disney fanatics). Then Mickey and Pooh come second. You know Disney dropped Power Rangers? Thats pretty much the only imitate-able thing Disney had for boys! :P
Even I don't know where things are headed right now. But I'm worried all the super heroes are going to be watered down, they are going to look a little more like pre-teens (check out the new iron man and spider man series), and some of them might even get put into a dark hole and never see the light...except for maybe in the comics because Disney wouldn't want to lose the comic fans.
@Pwin - I hate we people assume just because something is a cartoon it is automatically carried by company [x] because they happen to make cartoons as well. I had this problem when I worked at Gamestop, people would ask for Mario kart for the Xbox.
rumor on another forum has it that disney will NOT be combining any of the current characters with any of the marvels characters there just buying to own it... dont know if this is true but someone whos better at search probably could find out more
ok soo I have been avoiding this for a bit now but I have to say that a long time marvel fan disney buying the marvel franchise is really pissing me off. But i'm not too surprised by this move seeing as how disney has made some very bad moves in the past. Like when they signed infamous rappers ICP when they bought a recorded company Hollywood Records. Needless to say that didn't last too long. Not to mention they own porn companies too an even aired one "acendently" during a popular kids show lol. I just want to see what they have in plan.