lurking wrote...
Hibia wrote...
On a slightly un-related note: Have you noticed that most anime-watchers listen to metal/harder rock? Most of my anime-watching friends are...
Yeah, I wonder if it has anything to do with people trying to subconsciously counter an image(self or otherwise) of being nerdy. That seems to be the case with a number of the more stereotypical anime nerd types that I've known, but of course theres no evidence I'm aware of for it to be obviously applied on any large scale.
Personally I got into metal as a result of 2 main events. When I was around 8 or so my brothers were into GWAR and I just heard them a lot, first band I really liked actually although now I rarely listen to them and when I do it's mainly for the nostalgic factor it holds. Later, while napster was about to go down, I just looked up a number of bands I'd heard of to sample them. I liked a number of cheesey 80's metal bands(black sabbath, hdio, etc) and looked up Iron Maiden and found myself to be an instant fan. Never could get into a lot of the popular rock stuff though like metalica, linkin parks, nin, etc(friends loved that stuff, I just couldn't see the appeal)
Ofcourse metal isn't all I listen to. I also like a lot of classical, surf is great, had a brief techno phase in 6th grade that breifly resurfaced now and then back in highschool, cheesy 80's new wave is fun sometimes as is a wide variety, was big into punk like sex pistols and dead kennedys in middle/highschool, even enjoy country if you count bands like the Supersuckers(which are sort of a punk rock/country mix).
Normally when I'm listening to music its iron maiden about 20% of the time, other 80's metal %20, classical 20%, anime/game soundtracks 10%, surf 10%, somethin else 20%.
I don't want to sub-consciously dispel notions that I'm a nerd! I like being a nerd, as that's who I am (not that I like stereotypes at all). But I can see how it would probably apply, and is most likely the case for younger audiences who are effected by their peers significantly, and fear being ostracized.
I was raised on metal, as my parents were both of the same musical disposition (not that I even know where me father lives now X_x), so that's probably my main influence. Popular music has never been my thing as well, possibly just because it's popular and mindless (not that I'm saying metal has any point all the time ;P).
I couldn't ratio my music, as my tastes are so vaired, almost every genre has a very low ranking, and nothing stands out hugely. When I'm playing games I tend to stick to either Metal, Daft Punk (over the past few months) or random ass j-pop.