Klorofolun wrote...
What I can't stand is people who won't admit they're wrong, even if they have nothing to support themselves, and will scream at you until you give up and walk away. Then a week later those same people will show up and scream about how they were wrong and blame you for not warning them.
This is often one of the most annoying things to me in an argument. It's more plain stubbornness than fallacy, because it isn't really providing any argument at all, it's just pretty much saying, "fuck all that 'facts' stuff, I'm obviously correct, and even if I'm incorrect, I will dictate reality so that I AM correct." Often in the face of a plain fact that contradicts their original point.
This seems to come up often with older people who are, "set in their ways." Which, by the way, is by no means an excuse for anything, and is just shoddy reasoning old assholes use so that they don't feel like old assholes for things like their racism and ignorance.
But that's probably another topic.
It just annoys me when I say something in argument like, "well, my point is this, and here is three different, reliable sources to prove my point," and the other person either refutes them completely or just says something like, "well, I don't know about all that."
It goes along with the generally annoying attitude that the truth is pretty much irrelevant.
But Ad hominem and Non Sequitur are things I find really annoying, because they have nothing to do with the argument itself. It's the argumentative equivalent of jingling yours keys or flashing something shiny to distract a child, only it seems to work on adults.
I am, however, not above using either if they are useful in the pursuit of The Truth.
What truly annoys me in argument is anything that refutes The Truth.