Kai Shinza wrote...
most of the times nice to girls.
I started counting in my head when I read this [counting the number of guys I've met here that are gentlemen/prettynicelads].
There's quite a few. I consider this a good thing, it's quite pleasant to be here, in my opinion.
But.. is it because I'm female?
Let me get back to you on that.
Kai Shinza wrote...
As for most girls, they usually don't get along with other girls because of being an "Attention Whore."
I'm.. actually.. guilty.. of this. That is not to say I think every girl automatically is an attention whore. I can honestly say that the greater majority of the women on this site are pretty respectable, even awesome.
But some women aren't so awesome. The worst of the not-so-awesome girls, in my opinion, are the girls that crave attention and use their bodies to get it.
Nowadays, it looks like sex tapes and nude pictures. Or even the teen minors who pose in their panties and upload it to photobucket. x_X But they somewhat-knew-what-they-waere-doing-with-the-camera-so-it-looks-kinda-modelish-if-you're-being-generous. And now it's just one of the millions of pictures of scantily-clad or nude/semi-nude and reasonably-attractive to hot-veryhot girls tbat pop up in Google images.
Thankfully, most of the time I don't have to worry about these types.