Gravity cat wrote...
Not really. If I get on with the person like a house on fire I'd make more of an effort. Bonus points if they're female.
But there is an exception. When I talk to a girl I'm majorly sexually attracted to and I know them quite well, I'll become a sexpest. Well, most conversations will be full of innuendos and hints, at any rate.
It's been 3 years and this no longer applies for the most part. I treat people depending on their attitude towards me regardless of gender, and if we get on then I will still make an effort. General attitudes towards other people I don't normally care about; if they're nice to me I'm nice to them.
And If I'm lusting after someone I just whack off to porn.
The being-a-sexual-deviant thing wasn't panning out and I pissed a few people off because of it.