Temcor wrote...
Yeah I'm thinking the same way, I'll rather save my money on buying a better tablet since I know I'll be using it like for a long time. I think its a wise move to wait. I'm assuming you're getting a Wacom tablet?
that's right, i'm aiming to get a wacom tablet, and while saving money i'll be checking wich model would be better for me.. the "bamboo" model seems nice and affordable.. i'll see
Temcor wrote...
I agree tablets are expensive.I'm saving money to buy one that I think I will be using for a very long time or maybe forever. I did a mistake once by buying a cheap tablet only to find it incompatible with one of the graphic software and its even broken but I still use it, but my brother who thought I'm not using it sold the thing to someone else...so yeah saving money for the new one.
Yes they are expensive, and here in argentina they are even more (i think), for example an Intuos 3 9"x12" costs u$s648.00 and the 12"x19" u$s1148.00 (but i think this last one is to much :? and a smaller (8.5"x5.3") bamboo model costs u$s292.00...
tkhnoman wrote...
my tablet become dull in 2 years. But i don't want to buy a new one.It's too expensive
Yes, you have to think about that a thousand times before buying a new one; but does it still work propperly?