10 here, and yea its pretty fast for what I surf all the time. WHat I really want is a better RAM card because most of the really cool games need to be run with super fast pcs
Standard 10mbs provided by Comcast's home plans. I usually download something anywhere from 300kb/s to 1mb/s. Works well enough for me. That is until something goes wrong, Comcast isn't rated the worst cable support service for nothing.
Dudes, srsly? What the fuck. a sparse few ppls hav epic intarwebz connections, just slightly moar ppls hav mediocre midrange connections, and the vast majority of us here at FAKKU seem to have shit for internet service. We might as well wax our modems to try to coax a few moar kbps of speed out of 'em. This is looking moar and moar like the middle ages in Europe with a small group of elites (royalty and high nobility) in teh upper class, a small middle class (lower end nobles and skilled artisans), and a massive rabble of pesants! Why the fuck can't our governments get up off their tax-fattened, beauracratic asses and get us all sum epic internet connections? All in favor say "Jacob for President in 2012!" He'll give you badass internet, hentai, lolis, moe imoutos, and tax breaks for porn-centric purchases!