Ziggy wrote...
Personally I think it's a little odd at the idea of male escorts.
Typically escorts are a different breed of 'prostitute', kind of like a pure breed. Just because you're an escort doesn't necessarily mean you're giving out some poon.
From a legal standpoint, escort agencies claim that they send out escorts for social get together's - and they do to a point. A rich man can buy an extremely beautiful model/escort to be his accessory on his arm at the club or any important business matter. Whether she sleeps with him or not is a completely different story, depends how much he's paying.
But when I think of socially powerful women buying a male escort it leaves me confused. If a woman is rich and beautiful - why would she request a male escort? My mind automatically falls under protection. So that means you're there in case her life or situation is in danger, so you're job is to protect her.
Then there may be rich but not so attractive women who want to get that nice man to spend the evening with her and maybe a little poon later. Would you want to do that?
It just doesn't seem like women would seek out male escorts for the exact same reason a man would seek out a female escort.
Protection could be one of them, but I think there's a few reasons similar to those a man seeking out a female escort would have.
A few other reasons;
- Have someone accompany you when you don't have someone to go with.
- Have him also as an accessory item, keeping other people away. If they see you're with someone, they'll think twice about asking for a dance if you already have a dance partner.
- Just to show off. They're rich, and have money. They're going to want to show it off in some way.
And these are just a few I can think of up the top of my head. I'm sure there's more.
Anyways, if I had the looks and such, I'd probably take the job in a heartbeat. Sounds a fairly nice deal.