Harmonian wrote...
I've seen this on Gendou before.
The problem is very few users would take part in this.
Also, you have to set this up yourself. You can just say "Hey Moderators heres a good idea. Make it happen."
If it gets some attention a Moderator will make it front-page and whatnot.
I am in full support of the idea, even though I can hardly sing. All ideas that bring the community closer together is welcomed by myself, though I don't think my words mean much.
However, it would be a good idea to keep the competition internal rather than post videos all over the internet. We never know what undesired attention we may bring to Fakku. *Cough* Youngsters below the legal age, aspiring to be singers, and subsequently discovering Fakku to be an adult site. That or their righteous parents. *Cough*