Speaking of water problems at school... reminds me of the good ol' days at UST (my university), suspensions are either due mostly to three things: virus outbreaks, school-announced special suspensions, and FLOODS. Really bad floods.
That "sea" over there used to be a wide grassy field for PE and sports.
Well, when those things happen at the uni, we students tend to be really in a jubilant attitude, the "fuck yeaaahhhhh" attitude plus a few fistpumps, because we really love not to see some of our nasty barracuda-faced professors, at least even for a few days.
Azuran wrote...
Truancy is always the answer. Who needs to wait for stuff like that to happened in order to miss class?
Yep, who needs luck like that, especially when truancy is instantaneous. Come to think of it, your avi... CM Punk's got a great quote regarding luck.