When I was 7 on a bike I got hit by a mover truck.
When I was 10 I got hit by like 17 cars for various reasons that mostly were my fault (In one case I jumped in front of one on a dare to see if it would hit me)
and the worst I ever got out of it all was a concussion and a cracked wrist.
I was 12, riding my bike Down my own street, some assholes from the other end driving around recklessly in their jeep, I guess one of them hit the driver, or used teeth while blowing him, because one minute Im riding on the side of the road, the next Im on the ground, bleeding like crazy, and my bike (and a neighbours mailbox) is under the front tires of the jeep,I stand up, and the guy driving was kind enough to back up so I could get my RUINED bike. I picked it up, it looked like modern art, so I dropped it, walk across the street to my house, and bandaged myself up. They came by the next day, trying to apologise, Slammed the door in their face, had them brought up on criminal charges.
I was run over on my bike once, both my bawls got busted. It was terrible. I think the guy was on something, he just drove off. One of my bike wheels also taco'd. D: