WhiteLion, you deserve way more rep than you have. Seriously, you should be in the top five most repped people, and instead you're below twenty-five. That saddens me. (That doesn't add to this topic at all, but I felt it needed to be said. WhiteLion deserves some major fucking respect, if not for the things he says [which some people may not agree with], then for the way he says it.)
Sindalf wrote...
We didnt try everything. Im getting together a few members to talk on skype over a these issues together. Voice gives more feeling and emotion which will help us understand each other better. I think that most of this is misunderstanding so I think this will help.
Alot of people are good with the idea of this so I think we should try first.
The community has tried a lot to fix these problems. There have been numerous threads about how the forums have been shitty, how users have been shitty, and how rule enforcement has been shitty. None of them amounted to much. I have to agree that moderation is the only thing that can possibly fix this. When a regular user makes a thread, people can tell themselves, "That person is an idiot, I don't have to listen to him/her." But when a mod or admin makes a thread or announcement, people have to show some amount of respect (because these are the people in charge). The people who are unwillingly to show respect or listen to the mod/admin are the people who should probably leave Fakku.
Not to say that the mods or admins are always right. It's just that if Jacob or Raze or Nikon said, "No personal attacks on other users, whatsoever," that is a rule being handed down from the highest power (on this site). If a user cannot obey the highest power, then he/she should leave. Just like how if I think that the US government is complete shit and all its laws are asinine, I should leave the US. If I don't, I'll just be breaking the rules and end up causing trouble for myself and others.
As for talking on Skype, it's important to remember that not everyone on the forums uses Skype or has the ability to use it. A few people talking there and coming to a solution is not the same as the majority of the forums talking and coming to a conclusion. Same goes with IRC, chatroll, and anything else. The forums are the forums, and Skype is Skype. Even if a hundred people from the forums go onto Skype and decide on some plan of action, to the people who use only the forums, it's going to seem like they didn't get a say in the matter.
Not sure if that makes a lot of sense, but my point is, if there's a problem with the
forums, it should be discussed on the
forums. Hearing "We talked about this on Skype" can make it sound like the people who use Skype are members of their own little club or clique.