Zeph=3 wrote...
Ecchi Saiya-jin Sage wrote...
A touching story. It reminds me of when I first got these feelings of love. The feeling is unimaginable. It was kind of scary at first that one person could bring so much happiness and sorrow to me in the blink of an eye. I hope in your case that the feelings are returned. Stories like this deserve happy endings though they don't always happen.
Ah. That's what I was thinking a bit about. The emotional rollercoaster is crazy. Ha, maybe I should start writing about my difficulties and happy times with this young flower in the writing section. (Laughs) This love will bloom beautifully. I know it. We may have some problems where rain comes pouring down on the flower, but the sun will come out again. It always does! Well, I also do know that he's going to take my love seriously. I've just got to keep trying!
Thank you. Really. I think I've got enough luck. ^_^
Siiighz0rs. Kk lookie here, this ain't no cliche of nothin', but lemme play the bad cop and unleash some truths upon you dawg.
*clears throat* most importantly, if you continue to delay or beat around the bush, youuuu WILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL regret it, and it will haunt you for months after the opportunity has gone. People get 'bored' of others when they can tell that they're coming on to them. Sure yo, he may not be fully sure, but truely honestly surely earnestly, he must be a DUMB*SS if he doesnt realise you like him, I'm pretty sure he detects it but aint too sure yo.
Kkkkk right yo, heres your dilemna, you both are "feeding" on the 'should I or shouldnt I?' scenario, you feel that as long as you can say t'ings like "I love you" that it will be enough to feed yo love for him, but soon he will lose interest and may become annoyed at not being sure, and then you will be like
"Wtf?! why di'int I do nuthin'?! I b3tter go Write 3mo stuff oN fakku!"
Okay, now seriously: Do you really want to 'write about flowers' just because you're too scareed to con front? Thats an OBSESSSION. Along with what I said above, if you continue to delay, you will start to become obsessed. Whats worse is that if you fail because you missed the opportunity, it will DESTROY YOU dawg.
You know what they say, a man born with power and losing it (in your case, finding someone you love where you have a good opportunity) is more broken than a man who had nothing to begin with.