^__^ I know. I think I know as much as others about the downside of love. I've experienced it a ton of times. I was just writing about how much I love him, is that so bad? And you are right. We are in that whole "should I or shouldn't I?" phase. But I am going to confront him and tell him. Except that he's on break, so I can't see him as much. He's not a complete "dumb*ss" but he can be oblivious to some things, as are we all. He probably does know a bit about me liking him, but then again, there goes that "Should I or should'nt I?" thing. Still, thanks for reminding me that love isn't always so cheerful!
I wasn't depressed. I only get depressed when my heart hurts, and it hasn't hurt for weeks. I can honestly say that I was happy while writing about it. ^^ I just felt the need to vent that feeling...!!! >:3