Zeph=3 wrote...
Eh? Not really. ^_^ I tend to laugh about jokes about my race. Though I don't like making comments about other races, considering I don't know how they feel or if they'd laugh at it. I think before making a racist joke or something, I'd probably ask the person if they would be offended, or ask them not to take it seriously. >:3
Wow Zeph-sama I can see you trying to make a joke...it would probably go like this:
"Oh, excuse kind sir, but I must ask out of pure conscience. Do you mind if I indulge you in a joke of racism?"
"Certainly my kind lady, please indulge me."
"Why is it so difficult to solve a redneck murder?"
"Hmm... this is certainly a difficult question. I give up, please inform me of the answer my dear lady."
"Oh why certainly, because there are no dental records and all the DNA is the same."
"Ohhoho, my my your jokes are quite facetious."