88stumped88 wrote...
Flaser wrote...
88stumped88 wrote...
Yamazaki Rojin wrote...
88stumped88 wrote...
Well to be honest i don't know how many but its a fucking lot
that's really alot, i got some too, but it's just 4-10 GB
Yea it is lol its all categorized too except for the loli folder. Theirs to many of them (quoting star wars)
I have them
indexed and cataloged. :D
Nice That would have taken a lot of time :3
Actually, no you can do it yourself pretty quickly.
As long as you have a consistent scheme to name your directories/files one can quickly convert it.
Start a command prompt, then make a list with the DIR command.
Next clean it up with a word processor, and make sure that each part of the file/dir name is separated by a ";". Save as csv, and open with excel.
Here's what I do in verbose. Keep in mind it only works with files/directories named in my scheme, which is:
Doujins: Franchise (Mangaka) - Title [Translator]
Manga: Mangaka - Title [Translator]
Hentai.csv creation
Create Text file :
1. Start a command prompt
2. Select the directory with the items you want to catalog. (cd C:\Yourpathhere)
3. dir > texfilename.txt
Cleaning up the Text File:
Start Word.
Select Edit --> Replace --> More options --> With wildcards
1. Swap:
Find: [(*)]
Replace: ;\1
2. Swap:
Find: ;translated
Replace ;N/A
3. Swap:
Find: (^13*\<DIR>)(*)([! ])
Replace: ^p\3
4. Swap:
Find: (*) - (*)
Repalce: \1;\2
5. Swap. (Only Doujins):
Find: \((*)\)
Replace: ;\1
Save the file as texfilename.csv
Open in Excel.
You might find this article invaluable when editing in Word: