It'd play out like this
"Hey! mini me"
"Uh, wait, who are you and what the hell do you want?"
'Who I am isn't important, as I don't want the space time continuum to cave in on itself. I'm here to give you advice. First, you'll meet a dark haired girl when your 15. You'll think about it but, don't date her. It's about as smart as shaving with a belt sander. Go with the nerdy blond girl who likes star trek after you even out your anger issues. I know hormones and shit are strong and you feel like a bomb about to explode but, if you manage that. You'll score yourself a nice girlfriend who won't play you for a fool. Also, when you graduate head straight to college. Go with political science. Don't put it off because you'll just fuck everything up. In 2006, join a website called 'Fakku' and name yourself Fiery_penguin_of_Doom
Oh I almost forgot, put this on"
*hands lil FPoD a helmet*
"Whats this for?"
"life is going to suck so put this on and keep your head down."